老师,别哭 学爸 女囚风暴1995 坠落的审判 悟·空 忠犬八公 人生大事

彩轮 (2012)

  • 豆瓣评分:  7.7
  • 导演: 亚历克斯·罗斯·派瑞
  • 演员: 卡尔伦·阿尔特曼 / 鲍勃·拜因顿 / 凯特·林恩·希尔 / 亚历克斯·罗斯·派瑞
  • 类型:喜剧 / 家庭
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国
  • 上映时间: 2012-05-18
  • 片长: 83分钟
  • 资源状态:
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彩轮原名:The Color Wheel,

JR has broken up with her professor. She enlists her nervous and obnoxious younger brother Colin to take a short road trip in order to **** move out her belongings. They bicker and fight, with one another and pretty much anybody they encounter, before being brought to a place of togetherness and understanding as a result of being pushed away by everybody in their lives except o...





鱼剑 2023-05-28


🍄 2022-02-12

lovable sickos(她吐字好清楚 舒适极了

Ziggy 🇵🇸 2021-05-08

1. white people problem 2. how time changed that those racist sexist jokes back in 2011 that meant to showcase the "cute nerd" now come across creepy and super-cancellable 3. which highlights the fact that despite its attempt to look slick like a cinephilia, it's basically a rehash of boring Americana tropes and values, and the stereotypical meaningless mumblecore filler words only makes it ever **** annoying 4. there are good moments though: the absurdist ***** scenes and surreal incestuous scenes are shockingly "cathartic", but not enough to make up for the stupidity of this whole thing.

花地 2019-01-30


谷崎润一狗 2019-01-05


Seymour·X ㍿ 2018-05-06


Lycidas 2018-03-07

重看@filmoteca amb Alex Ross Perry 细腻精准,入木三分,笑点全部spot on,同时弥漫着一种不属于这个年代的**与隔绝感。Alex可能演的就是本人吧(笑),那时候有点肥肥的,一脸委屈像个包子一样超级!无敌!可爱!

Ada的B计划 2018-03-06

marvelous,bettan than any films of Woody Allen's,影像质感和情绪的双重精准。

大佑 2017-05-19

4.0 媽呀...盡然讓這部片在我電腦裡躺了足足五年才提起興趣來看...不得不認其實整體把握還挺好的,結尾前一長段沙發聊天太強了,攝影功不可沒。導演演技很萌...尾聲的時候我還是被嚇到了(雖然前面已經多少有了心理預設)..

CharlesChou 2015-03-03
