老师,别哭 学爸 女囚风暴1995 坠落的审判 悟·空 忠犬八公 人生大事

神秘博士:文昌魔爪 (1977)

  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: David Maloney
  • 演员: Tom Baker
  • 类型:剧情 / 科幻 / 冒险
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 英国
  • 上映时间: 1977-02-26
  • 单集片长: 未知
  • 资源状态:
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神秘博士:文昌魔爪原名:Doctor Who - The Talons of Weng-Chiang,

Arriving in London at the end of the 19th Century, the Doctor and Leela make friends with a police pathologist, Professor Litefoot, and learn that hairs taken from the clothing of a dead body found floating in the Thames seem to have originated from a very large rat.  The Doctor's investigations take him first to the sewers, where there are indeed giant rats on the loose, and th...

发布于1977年。由David Maloney执导,并且由编剧Robert Holmes携幕后团队创作。集众多位Tom Baker等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1977-02-26公映的电视剧。


c.cornix 2023-11-20

😅對不起聽說大家都是跳過這一集的但戲*很傻我很喜歡所以還是看了 但是劇照留下的印象是強硬而自負的 跟平常 尤其是最初的學生風格反差很大(彷彿維多利亞時代精神具象,因此還期待著能有點不經意造成的戲仿效果救一下這超規格的racism)怎麼實際只是很像狗……特別是獵鹿帽配捲毛,還低頭嗅出了蠍毒……演了這種角色七年還想下輩子投胎做貓我看你還是算了吧x 刀積極參與了種族歧視而沒有任何人覺得有問題 大嚶出品倒也不意外呢 高光應該是Litefoot放下盤子和Leela一起捧肉吃

豆友cDY5T-05EU 2023-02-04


黑桃生 2021-08-11


Ziggy 🇵🇸 2020-12-29

lol the racism in this one is indeed OFF THE CHARTS. Maybe **** than 10 passing comments of racial stereotypes towards Chinese, particularly calling 华人聚居区 "most noxious and evil rookeries in the East End". Maybe it gets away a bit by mostly letting Lifefoot saying all these who's depicted as a hilarious sexist at the same time (and the doctor doesn't call out any), but still, he's supposed to be on the "right side" for this story. Story itself is overrated, 6-parter is a stretch and after mystery resolved, it's just brute force action scenes like so many in this era.

SundanceKid🌈 2015-05-27

这集在老版中评价相当好。I don't understand what all the fuss is about.这种傅满洲式恐惧留在那年代就好了,现在看挺别扭。"Elementary,** dear Litefoot."博士这集从装扮到言行都非常福尔摩斯。Jago和Litefoot妙趣横生,***还有过为这两角色拍衍生剧的主意。PS:Weng-Chiang原定身份是******!

杯具的诞生 2012-07-11

这一季应该就是DW老版的巅峰了,每一个故事若评分都可以打上80分以上。群众演员里有不少黄种人,但是那个主演是个白人化妆的……好吧,我是在吐槽……这集也觉得能排上4th剧集的前5,好吧,又是牛叉编剧ROBERT HOLMES

LS 2012-03-24
