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年轻斗士的肖像 (2010)

  • 别名:Portrait of the Fighter as a Young Man
  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 导演: Constantin Popescu
  • 演员: Constantin Dita / Ionut Caras / Bogdan Dumitrache / Catalin Babliuc / Ion Bechet
  • 类型:剧情 / 动作 / 历史
  • 语言: 罗马尼亚语
  • 地区: 罗马尼亚
  • 上映时间: 2010-02-13(柏林电影节) / 2010-11-18(罗马尼亚)
  • 片长: 163分钟
  • 资源状态:
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年轻斗士的肖像原名:Portretul luptătorului la tinereţe,又名Portrait of the Fighter as a Young Man

When the Soviet Army marched into Romania in 1944, a part of the Romanian population went “into the mountains” – a diverse assortment of nationalists and fascists, liberals, apolitical farmers and members of the middle-class, who were affected by the Communists’ expropriations. Over a thousand armed resistance groups took refuge in the inaccessible forests of the Carpathian Mou...

发布于2010年。由Constantin Popescu执导,并且由编剧Constantin Popescu携幕后团队创作。集众多位Constantin Dita、Ionut Caras、Bogdan Dumitrache、Catalin Babliuc、Ion Bechet等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2010-02-13(柏林电影节),2010-11-18(罗马尼亚)公映的电影。


[] 2019-01-27

已传给@熊仔俠:[译]年轻斗士的肖像 Portretul luptătorului la tinereţe (2010)

罗西基 2015-10-05

四星+,As long as our heads will be on our necks this coreer of the country will be free. The one day the whole Romania will be free。It is not over,nothing is over.

John Coey 2014-02-12
