老师,别哭 学爸 女囚风暴1995 坠落的审判 悟·空 忠犬八公 人生大事

胖子与瘦子 (1961)

  • 别名:The Fat and the Lean
  • 豆瓣评分:  7.8
  • 导演: 罗曼·波兰斯基
  • 演员: André Katelbach / 罗曼·波兰斯基 Roman Polanski
  • 类型:喜剧 / 短片 / 音乐
  • 语言: 无对白
  • 地区: 法国
  • 上映时间: 1961
  • 片长: 15分钟
  • 资源状态:
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胖子与瘦子原名:Le gros et le maigre,又名The Fat and the Lean

A small and thin barefoot slave (played by Polanski) plays a flute and beats a drum to entertain his large ****** who rocks in a rocking chair in front of his mansion. The slave jumps and leaps like a madman, wipes his ******'s brow, feeds him, washes his feet, shades him from the sun with an umbrella and holds a urinal for him.

发布于1961年。由罗曼·波兰斯基执导,并且由编剧罗曼·波兰斯基携幕后团队创作。集众多位André Katelbach、罗曼·波兰斯基 Roman Polanski等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1961公映的电影。


Mr. Infamous 2016-10-27


勵帝或 2013-06-13


**先生 2012-01-12

瘦子获得解放之后表演更卖力了 因为他以为自己从奴隶变成自由人了 而不知道自己生来却是自由人 就像中国以前的老** 听到***前的人说要**** 大惊失色 说什么中国人还未开化 还没进不到享受自由的时候 熟不知中国人远古时候却是自由的

Marty McFly 2011-09-06


Song³ 2011-02-01

The influence of Beckett and the Theater of the Absurd is very strong. ****://***.trilulilu.ro/omufaranick/6b379eff9a89d2

stknight 2010-06-12

波兰斯基的舞蹈和音乐才华。A small and thin barefoot slave (played by Polanski) plays a flute and beats a drum to entertain his large ****** who rocks in a rocking chair in front of his mansion. The slave jumps and leaps like a madman, wipes his ******'s brow, feeds him, washes hi

hongyanbaifa 2010-05-10


Connie 2006-02-09

The Fat and the Lean, 15'02"